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Jul 13, 2024 at 09:27 AM CST
+ 2 - 1

Load listed from Alamo nd to Fargo nd

sunflowers they offer 1.50 cwt. 
no fuel surcharge which is. 55 cents per mile today.  381 miles. That is 209. For fuel  3axle trailer 60000 lbs 600cwt

900.00  minus the fuel surcharge is 290

610 dollars for the 381 miles. WHY DO PEOPLE TAKE THESE LOADs


Replied on Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 07:31 PM CST
+ 1

Because they don't have the knowledge or take the time to figure what their operating cost is. Then when the bank shuts them off they wonder what happened to all their money. I know my op cost are $x.yz/mile. So a load has to pay that, plus at least 60 cents more, to pay myself and make a living. Sticking to that religously is why I'm growing as a business, when others are getting shut down, trucks repo'd, and numbers suspenended for ins canelations.

Replied on Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 07:26 AM CST
- 1
To a select few trucking is a drug, many cannot say No because they are addicts, most of us know a few guys in our neighborhoods that will keep trucking no matter what the rate is, if they couldn’t make it on their own they climb into a company truck as a last resort to feed the addiction, how many times have we seen a YouTube interview where someone says it’s a lifestyle choice not a business? Recently a former colleague told me his kids are grown, house is paid and he has no bills, flat out said that he would continue trucking even if the truck didn’t make a penny, because he’s having fun!
Replied on Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 11:04 AM CST
+ 1


Replied on Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 02:21 PM CST
+ 1

I called on these loads before Greg was let go. He had them at 1.25/cwt no fuel. I told him that I would drive past them before I loaded them and then asked him when the company he worked for, US Commodities got so cheap with their freight rates. All he said was that there was fertilizer going to Ray and he will get them covered. I had some of that fertilzer and bounced the trucks east and did much better than hauling their cheap a**** loads! It is not just in ND that they are doing this, it is all over the country! So, my suggestion to everyone is to leave them sit on their loads and when this market turns, and it will turn, make sure that they pay extra for all the missery they are causing now! I am hoping that things will go back to the way they were before he was let go but I am not really confident in this.

PS: I was told that Greg was let go from the company, I don't have first hand knowledge of this.

Replied on Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 08:57 PM CST

You aint getting 60K of sunflowers on a 50' trailer with 78" or lower sides.

Replied on Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 06:56 AM CST
Quote: "You aint getting 60K of sunflowers on a 50' trailer with 78" or lower sides. "

48 x 102 x78. 3 hopper. No problem