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Last week

Jun 24, 2024 at 12:05 PM CST
+ 10 - 1
Is it to much to ask for atleast one very good week considering of all the bad weeks I’ve had I just want one because this is my very last week of pulling a hopper!!
Replied on Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 01:18 PM CST

What is it you want?

Replied on Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 01:34 PM CST
Quote: "What is it you want?"

a good week revenue wise i dont think thats alot to ask for

Replied on Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 04:59 PM CST
Quote: "a good week revenue wise i dont think thats alot to ask for "

I would not bet on it! Pretty tough all over the country! Be honest with you, unless you are going to be a route driver, pull for Amazon or have something dedicated, I don't see you doing any better in any other sector right now.

Replied on Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 05:02 PM CST

U ain't getting 1..with the cut throat brokers and so call owner operators..we parked every....last month ..fired every dip**** driver....its amazing...we never lost a dime..wich runnin this cheap c***..buyi fuel insurance repairs lying *** brokers cheap ****....that is what costs ya...phone is pretty quite also

Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 08:23 AM CST
+ 1

I hear you! Your not the only one.. the problem is we got 4 brokers feeding 4 familys off of one load and damn near every load! If you look at your bol and who actually bought the load you get a good rate. But the problem with only 1 truck is you may only get to their area 2 times a month so half the time they would rather have reliant or rfg take 15% to 30% if not more so they can pay their internet and phone bill to call you 30 times to check on the load but can't seam to answer the phone when they owe you detion. and be home every night by 5:30without wasteing how many countless hours trying to load and unload then you get stuck driveing most the night just trying to get your next load the following day without pissing the week away When 2 months of oil changes for 1 truck coast more then their hole dam year of expenses do... f*** every broker that takes anything more then 8% and you should get a real job or try driveing a truck for a day and I'll sit in your office chair 8 to 5 with a hour lunch.

Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 10:19 AM CST


Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:10 AM CST

and bulk loads supports every d*** 1 of them...$$$$$$$$$$$$ in their pocket..and bulk loads will not let u post anything negative about these rotten a*******..they protect all of themm..its all about mone..pretty simple...u aint a decant broker with good freight and good money..dont let them post....bulk loads is a d*** rip off

Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:34 AM CST

William you hit the nail on the head

Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:01 PM CST
+ 2
Quote: "I hear you! Your not the only one.. the problem is we got 4 brokers feeding 4 familys off of one load and damn near every load! If you look at your bol and who actually bought the load you get a good rate. But the problem with only 1 truck is you may only get to their area 2 times a month so half the time they would rather have reliant or rfg take 15% to 30% if not more so they can pay their internet and phone bill to call you 30 times to check on the load but can't seam to answer the phone when they owe you detion. and be home every night by 5:30without wasteing how many countless hours trying to load and unload then you get stuck driveing most the night just trying to get your next load the following day without pissing the week away When 2 months of oil changes for 1 truck coast more then their hole dam year of expenses do... f*** every broker that takes anything more then 8% and you should get a real job or try driveing a truck for a day and I'll sit in your office chair 8 to 5 with a hour lunch."

There are some good brokers out there! I know a lot and also know which ones to stay away from. Thing about the load board is that is should only be used as a last resort. Yes, occasionally you can find a good load on here, BUT most of the time it is the stuff that is left over from the local carriers that is sent to the vulchers. Hang in there! Things will get better, I promise! I have seen this many times before and it always turns around. Good times and bad will come in the future, just make hay when the times are good and put some away for when the times go to crap. We just need to keep pushing on and ride out the storm! This too shall pass. Stay positive and know your numbers. Stay above your break even point and you will stay afloat until the time comes when we are all happy with rates and work is abundant!

Good luck and god bless!

Replied on Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 10:30 PM CST
+ 1
The ones that post every load they have are usually the bad ones they post loads that don’t pay enough to broker out .
Replied on Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 10:35 AM CST
- 1
Government gave everyone a big pile of money during the plandemic, some would even say that government bought your equipment for you, and yet everyone is struggling? So either everyone out here really sucks at business or the market is broken, witch is it?
Replied on Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 02:13 PM CST

Just curious what your idea of a good revenue week is?

Replied on Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 09:17 AM CST
Quote: "Government gave everyone a big pile of money during the plandemic, some would even say that government bought your equipment for you, and yet everyone is struggling? So either everyone out here really sucks at business or the market is broken, witch is it?"

Rates across the trucking industry have been in decline for 27 months.... Is that broken enough for you?

Personally, I got very little Covid money. I made too much money prior to the pandemic, and didn't feel right applying for a handout just for doing my job.

Replied on Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 11:34 AM CST
+ 1
Quote: "and bulk loads supports every d*** 1 of them...$$$$$$$$$$$$ in their pocket..and bulk loads will not let u post anything negative about these rotten a*******..they protect all of themm..its all about mone..pretty simple...u aint a decant broker with good freight and good money..dont let them post....bulk loads is a d*** rip off"

half the forums are shit talk on brokers- how can you claim Bulkloads won't let you post anything negative when its the majority of posts?

Replied on Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 02:13 PM CST

try it....u cant use their name or any thing personel,,,bulk load reveiws it,,,it will not b posted...

Replied on Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 04:14 PM CST
+ 3
Quote: "Rates across the trucking industry have been in decline for 27 months.... Is that broken enough for you? Personally, I got very little Covid money. I made too much money prior to the pandemic, and didn't feel right applying for a handout just for doing my job. "

Twenty seven months of declining rates is only the beginning of what’s coming, a good share of truckers who got government loans during the Scamdemic are already out of business, not mention all the non trucking entities, none of that money will ever be paid back, it will become a bigger debt bomb than the student loan crisis, how many of those guys who spent 200k on a thirty year old Beaterbilt are still around? The theory about the ELD improving rates has been proven false, what’s interesting is the highest paid people in trucking don’t even drive a truck, they are sitting in a office at the ATA, and their pay continues to go up as everyone else’s goes down.
Replied on Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 10:25 AM CST
Quote: "Twenty seven months of declining rates is only the beginning of what’s coming, a good share of truckers who got government loans during the Scamdemic are already out of business, not mention all the non trucking entities, none of that money will ever be paid back, it will become a bigger debt bomb than the student loan crisis, how many of those guys who spent 200k on a thirty year old Beaterbilt are still around? The theory about the ELD improving rates has been proven false, what’s interesting is the highest paid people in trucking don’t even drive a truck, they are sitting in a office at the ATA, and their pay continues to go up as everyone else’s goes down."

Once again, Dave, you always bring something to the table and articulate it well! You are right on many different subjects! Good luck and have a safe Independence Day! Thank you to all our veterans and their families who sacrifice for all of us!!