Feb 18, 2024 at 05:59 PM CST
+ 1 - 1
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
I'm currently running on spreadsheets and have a good in house system, is anyone finding value in running the bulk loads TMS system? I find it kind of clunky and I can see difficulty getting all my drivers to work within the confines of what the system offers. Sure, it looks like it can automate some of the text/email but I rin such a unique bulk load business I'm wondering if anyone is really sold on the Bulk loads TMS system. Looks 50/50 compared to spreadsheets and text messages Thanks for any info from ppl that have tried ot or are using it.
Replied on Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 07:08 AM CST
+ 1
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
I've been using it for about a month now and am overall happy with it. I was operating on spreadsheets and texting as well. It was getting the job done, but I felt there had to be a better way. The initial setup and learning curve can take a little extra time to get going, but once you're up and running it does make dispatching easier. The biggest benefit for me was invoicing. I can invoice my customers in a fraction of the time it was taking me before to figure freight totals and scan in loads. Maintaining records of loads is much easier as well. My drivers all took to the app pretty well and all of them were able to learn it quickly. That was my biggest concern going in, but turned it to be a non issue. They have excellent customer service, so if you have any questions or concerns they are quick to respond with answers/solutions. It does also have some good tools too for identifying new potential lanes that can compliment your existing freight. I'd say if you're running 5 or more trucks and you're a one person office it's definitely worth checking out.
Replied on Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 07:11 AM CST
+ 1
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
Thanks for the info, I'll keep looking into it, I am tired of my scanner!!!