Home > Classifieds > Available Jobs > Frac Sand Hauler Only
Apr 03, 2019 at 08:24 AM CST
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
Posted by a private FlatLoads.com member.
We are running wide open in east texas. You should make $300 a day as a driver working a 14 hour shift. Its pneumatic work but you don't have to run hoses, they are already out all you do is back truck in and unload. I need experienced oilfield workers. You will need to PEC certified. I'm going to be pretty picky about who gets hired. You have to have verifiable extended hood experience to drive for me. Clean mvr and be able to pass a drug test. You also need a vehicle or a bus ticket and some starting up cash. 21 days on 5 days off. Affordable health insurance and a raise (if qualified) after 120 days. 940-393-0858 leave me a message if interested.